
BBNaija: 'What Is Mercy Still Doing In The House If Tacha Was Disqualified' - Daddy Freeze Blows Hot

OAP, Daddy Freeze isn't pleased with Big Brother's decision to disqualify Tacha folowing the faceoff she had with Mercy, her fellow housemate, on Friday morning.

DaddyFreeze believes that Mercy should also be disqualified as she and Tacha assaulted themselves during their faceoff.

He wrote: "Dear Big brother, just in case you missed the clip here it is again, we can clearly see Mercy assaulting @symply_tacha twice once with how she flung her hair in Tacha’s face, the second time when she grabbed the iron in a threatening manner; THAT’S ASSAULT!

"Question what is Mercy still doing in the house if Tacha was disqualified?

"Mercy needs to be disqualified as well, unless you are employing a different metric for both of them, which in my opinion reeks hypocrisy! ~FRZ"
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BBNaija: 'What Is Mercy Still Doing In The House If Tacha Was Disqualified' - Daddy Freeze Blows Hot BBNaija: 'What Is Mercy Still Doing In The House If Tacha Was Disqualified' - Daddy Freeze Blows Hot Reviewed by YOUNG-PRINCE on September 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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