
Demons Receiving Serious Flogging From Church Members In Awka (Video)

Church members flogging the devil

Members of a yet-to-be identified church have been filmed flogging the hell out of demons in Awka area of Anambra state.

The video was shared by an instagram user who lamented bitterly after seeing the church members in such an act

According to her, she wrote "This happened today at Awka by 6:30pm. This is a church, the members were asked to come outside and flog demons holding them".

She lamented further after spotting a woman carrying a baby also flogging the demon, she said, "how can people be so ignorant of all these, I weep for this generation".

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Church members flogging the devil

Members of a yet-to-be identified church have been filmed flogging the hell out of demons in Awka area of Anambra state.

The video was shared by an instagram user who lamented bitterly after seeing the church members in such an act

According to her, she wrote "This happened today at Awka by 6:30pm. This is a church, the members were asked to come outside and flog demons holding them".

She lamented further after spotting a woman carrying a baby also flogging the demon, she said, "how can people be so ignorant of all these, I weep for this generation".

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Demons Receiving Serious Flogging From Church Members In Awka (Video) Demons Receiving Serious Flogging From Church Members In Awka (Video) Reviewed by YOUNG-PRINCE on October 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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