
Bestie Goals: Lady Shares Weight Loss Journey With Her Bestfriend In New Photos

Before the weightloss journey began

A Twitter user identified as Faith (@_lilfizzle_) has shared photos to show her new body and that of her bestfriend after deciding to lose weight.

According to Faith, they have both lost 95 pounds and are looking to lose more. She also shared lovely photos showing their former thick selves and current trimmer version.

Faith wrote in her caption: “Besties who lose weight together, stay together. 95 pounds down and counting”

The besties after the weightloss journey began and still counting
The besties after the weightloss journey began and still counting

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Bestie Goals: Lady Shares Weight Loss Journey With Her Bestfriend In New Photos Bestie Goals: Lady Shares Weight Loss Journey With Her Bestfriend In New Photos Reviewed by YOUNG-PRINCE on November 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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