
Nollywood Under Attack Over Movies On Netflix - Actor Bobby Obodo

Bobby Obodo

Nollywood actor, Bobby Obodo, has criticised Nollywood movies on Netflix, stating that most of the movie were becoming ”painful” to watch.

Netflix is an American media-service provider and production company in Los Gatos, California which offers online streaming of a library of film and television programme, including those produced in-house.

Obodo lamented the quality of movies been uploaded by Nollywood producers and actresses on the movie platform.

On his Twitter page, @bobbyobodo to share his opinion, he urged movie producers to shy away from producing movies that viewers would detest, adding that such great opportunity should be utilised to literally reach to most parts of the world.

“Most of the movies we are putting out on Netflix are becoming painful to see.

“Everybody wants their “shit” on Netflix - I suspect for $$$ and bragging rights.

“I hope creative producers/directors/writers will start putting out good movies for them to save us the shame and ridicule that can befall #Nollywood before it is too late.

“Lazy and predictable storylines, horrible extras, disastrous costumes, etc. This opportunity is golden,” he wrote.
Bobby Obodo

Nollywood actor, Bobby Obodo, has criticised Nollywood movies on Netflix, stating that most of the movie were becoming ”painful” to watch.

Netflix is an American media-service provider and production company in Los Gatos, California which offers online streaming of a library of film and television programme, including those produced in-house.

Obodo lamented the quality of movies been uploaded by Nollywood producers and actresses on the movie platform.

On his Twitter page, @bobbyobodo to share his opinion, he urged movie producers to shy away from producing movies that viewers would detest, adding that such great opportunity should be utilised to literally reach to most parts of the world.

“Most of the movies we are putting out on Netflix are becoming painful to see.

“Everybody wants their “shit” on Netflix - I suspect for $$$ and bragging rights.

“I hope creative producers/directors/writers will start putting out good movies for them to save us the shame and ridicule that can befall #Nollywood before it is too late.

“Lazy and predictable storylines, horrible extras, disastrous costumes, etc. This opportunity is golden,” he wrote.
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Nollywood Under Attack Over Movies On Netflix - Actor Bobby Obodo Nollywood Under Attack Over Movies On Netflix - Actor Bobby Obodo Reviewed by YOUNG-PRINCE on December 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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