
Wow! Nigerian Woman Who Went Back To School After Having 4 Kids, Bags A PhD (Photos)

The story has been told of a Nigerian woman who bagged a PhD when she went back to school after having four kids.

The story was told by a Twitter user who took to the platform to gush about the woman whom she claims is actually her mother.

According to the Twitter user with handle, @sophiebello, her mother enrolled for a first degree program while she (Sophie) was in the University and now she has recently bagged a Doctorate degree.

@sophiebello also recalled how her mother took care of her grandchild while working on her thesis.

Read her tweet below:
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Wow! Nigerian Woman Who Went Back To School After Having 4 Kids, Bags A PhD (Photos) Wow! Nigerian Woman Who Went Back To School After Having 4 Kids, Bags A PhD (Photos) Reviewed by YOUNG-PRINCE on December 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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