
Check Out Comedian Akpororo's Shoe Collection

shoe collection

The celebrity life may have the downsides to it, but there is no denying that the perks of fame and fortune more often than not, outshines the struggles.

While some indulge in bags, suits, perfumes or jewelry, it appears for Nigerian comedian, Akpororo, shoe shopping might just be his guilty pleasure.

The father of three recently left his fans in awe when he took to his Instagram page to show his shoe collections.

The shoes were arranged on the floor as the comedian stared at them.

Posing behind the array of shoes, he captioned the photo: "Time for clean up #someofmyshoescollections

He further went to say, the ones pictured are just some of his shoes.
Akpororo's shoes
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Check Out Comedian Akpororo's Shoe Collection Check Out Comedian Akpororo's Shoe Collection Reviewed by YOUNG-PRINCE on February 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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