
Tinubu Gives Serious Warning To Politicians Who Lose In Court

Bola Tinubu

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the National Leader of the All Progressives Congress, has told politicians who lose in court to stop  undue vilification of the Judiciary.

Tinubu stated this on Monday, while speaking to reports after the valedictory court session at the Supreme Court, in honour of Justice Amiru Sanusi, who retired after clocking 70.

The former Lagos state Governor noted that the Judiciary must always be respected as an important pillar in the existence of democracy.

Tinubu said Nigeria’s adoption of democracy as a form of government “is an irrevocable commitment to the rule of law.”

He also urged those who fail in court to try again, as “you must not be a winner at every game”.

Tinubu added: “Yes, some people are bound to succeed and some will fail (in court). Reasonableness and honesty; integrity and the character of the Judiciary have always been reflected in their judgments.

“That is what we signed up to as a democratic nation. We should not tarnish the reputation of the Judiciary when its decision goes against us.

“Life is difficult. Judgment and perfection are of God Almighty. And so, if you notice an error in a way and what you perceived as an error and did not favour you, you should try again. You must not be a winner at every game.

“We will continue to promote the Judiciary as an important pillar in the sustenance of our democratic dispensation. We have chosen democracy and the Judiciary is a very important arm of the government. We must give the Bench the necessary support.

“We will continue to promote the Judiciary as an important pillar in the sustenance of our democratic dispensation. We have chosen democracy and the Judiciary is a very important arm of the government. We must give the Bench the necessary support,” he said.
Bola Tinubu

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the National Leader of the All Progressives Congress, has told politicians who lose in court to stop  undue vilification of the Judiciary.

Tinubu stated this on Monday, while speaking to reports after the valedictory court session at the Supreme Court, in honour of Justice Amiru Sanusi, who retired after clocking 70.

The former Lagos state Governor noted that the Judiciary must always be respected as an important pillar in the existence of democracy.

Tinubu said Nigeria’s adoption of democracy as a form of government “is an irrevocable commitment to the rule of law.”

He also urged those who fail in court to try again, as “you must not be a winner at every game”.

Tinubu added: “Yes, some people are bound to succeed and some will fail (in court). Reasonableness and honesty; integrity and the character of the Judiciary have always been reflected in their judgments.

“That is what we signed up to as a democratic nation. We should not tarnish the reputation of the Judiciary when its decision goes against us.

“Life is difficult. Judgment and perfection are of God Almighty. And so, if you notice an error in a way and what you perceived as an error and did not favour you, you should try again. You must not be a winner at every game.

“We will continue to promote the Judiciary as an important pillar in the sustenance of our democratic dispensation. We have chosen democracy and the Judiciary is a very important arm of the government. We must give the Bench the necessary support.

“We will continue to promote the Judiciary as an important pillar in the sustenance of our democratic dispensation. We have chosen democracy and the Judiciary is a very important arm of the government. We must give the Bench the necessary support,” he said.
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Tinubu Gives Serious Warning To Politicians Who Lose In Court Tinubu Gives Serious Warning To Politicians Who Lose In Court Reviewed by YOUNG-PRINCE on February 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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